What bothers me so much about people and what is said about pits, is the fact that people are so quick to judge based upon what they hear, rather than knowing facts and finding out for themselves. Before people are so quick to judge our precious pit bull breed, ask yourselves, do you know their history? Do you know where they've come from? Do you know anything? Let me answer that question for a majority of people….NO! So here, let me give you some insight.
Pit bulls were originally given the name “nursemaid’s dogs” because they were so trusted and reliable with young children. So what is it that I hear? They like to attack children and kill them? I think not, this is where the owners come in to play in training our dogs to be something their not. It's sad to say, but a majority of the owners who wish to have a pit, want them for the wrong reasons. They are wanted to breed for fighting reasons and to make money or exchange drug deals. Sounds like I’m stereotyping huh? I’m not! It’s statistically proven that a 9 out of 10 of the fighting rings that are shut down, belong to drug dealers or people who have past felony records.
Pit bulls are descendants of the original English bull baiting dogs. These dogs were bred to attack large animals, such as bulls, bears or anything else large you can think of. They had to attack these animals around their face and heads. They were then trained not to let go until they could not longer hold on from exhaustion and from loss of blood. This animal baiting was banned in the 1800’s, this is when people started fighting these dogs against each other. This seemed to become a “sport“, leading breeders to breed a more athletic breed of dogs. These dogs made there way to North America and are now related to pit bulls.
This breed got there negative correlated name when people decided they wanted a “macho” looking dog (a Pomeranian just wouldn’t do anymore). They wanted these dogs to become a breed which no longer were to be vicious against each other, but to also be vicious to people. These dogs came into this world with no anticipation of being anything but loving, caring, loyal dogs; but upon being bred to an owner with an ulterior motive, they had no choice but to obey, or die. This is where people have a huge delusion of thinking this is how “they are” or “they have something in their brain that makes them snap”. No people, they are trained and forced into a lifestyle because that’s the only one they know of.
As stated in a previously, dog fighting is now banned in all 50 states, but that is not stopping the undercover fighting rings. These dogs are involuntarily pushed to fight until they are to the point of no return or until they are killed, that’s normal for these sick, demented people. Another common way in which is used to antagonize the dogs and cause them to be more ferocious, is for other animals to be thrown in the rings. Such as rabbits, cats or rodents. These small creatures are used as “bait” (sounds like they’re going fishing huh?).
So it makes us think, how do most of these dogs survive once they are so badly injured? The truth behind the walls….veterinarians are sometimes paid off to care for the injured dogs. We look at them as a cure for our pets, but according to some, this is the truth. Who else gets a piece of the pay? Lawyers, teachers, judges and I’m sure many, many more whom are failed to get mentioned. Can’t we see this epidemic? No one is as wholesome as they seem, no matter what their job title is or what they may “practice”. Money talks and BS walks.
Let’s talk some statistics now. In March of 2000, “the ASPCA asked representative U.S. shelters about their experiences with pit bulls. Thirty-five percent take in at least one pit bull a day, and in one out of four shelters, pits and pit mixes make up more than 20 percent of the shelter dog population. New York, Chicago, Boston, Phoenix and Honolulu each saw 3,000 to 7,500 pits turned in during the previous year. One shelter staffer recounted hundreds of abuse cases that came through their doors-pit bulls who had been burned, beaten, and fought with." “According to the shelters surveyed, a third do not adopt Pit Bulls out—some because it is against the law to have them in their communities, and others are concerned where the dogs will ultimately end up. Sadly, in these cases, the dogs are euthanized.” (aspca.org)
So now, with a little history given about the breed, their fighting background and more, I have to ask, when will the ignorance and cruelty end? Now the truth is out there, it’s time the right people began to take the blame and understand that an animal is taught their behavior once it has become domesticated. It’s out of their paws once they are adopted, rescued, purchased, wherever they were obtained from. They now become a prized possession in which people take for granted. It’s like saying to a parent, “your child is an animal with no morals because that’s how you’ve raised him/here.” It’s not the childs' fault. They emulate what they see and what they were taught or NOT taught. People must open their eyes up to the rotten core of the apple-- THE OWNERS!!!! I have stressed this over and over throughout my blog postings, but I don’t think it can be stressed enough because it seems that the negativity will never end.
Please, follow the link above to help give out pit pups the love they deserve!!
What would your first pick for a pet be?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
You'll Be Amazed @ What You're About To See & Read-- Let's Stop The Negativity & Realize The Reality! WATCH CLOSELY!!
Now if this video doesn't sum up the jist of my blog in the words I can't express, then I don't know what will. This is the truth, this is reality. These aren't actors or posers, this is the real deal. People need to think before they judge this breed. Pits aren't the only ones to commit such horrific dog incidences, take a look for yourself. Pictures are proof and you will see it here. Guaranteed astonishment!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
"Mr. ASPCA"-- My Interview With an Expert

He worked for the ASPCA from 1983-1993, 10 years strong in the five boroughs and in conjunction with the tri-state area. He says it was one of his greatest jobs he's had. He specialized in pit bulls, rescuing them, arresting their owners for malpractice of ownership, closing fighting rings and whatever else was entailed in saving this breed. The words of "MR. ASPCA" will show you the light at the end of this tunnel. With asking him a few questions, it became evident to me why I love pits and always have, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Becci B.: What was it like working with pit bulls on a daily basis?
"Mr. ASPCA": Everyday working with pit bulls was challenging because you never know what to expect because these dogs came in with various temperaments; but to my surprise, after all that was said about pit bulls, I found them to be very gentle animals.
BB: Were you ever scared by a pit during work?
"Mr. ASPCA": In the back of your mind, there's always a sense of fear, but you can never really show it or express it while in the presence of the dogs.
BB: Why was it your choice to specialize in/with pit bulls?
"Mr. ASPCA": {Because} the dogs were so stigmatized and I felt differently about them and I had to prove they weren't as vicious as they were said to be. The only vicious ones were the ones that were mistreated and bred to fight.
BB: Were you ever bitten by a dog?
"Mr. ASPCA": Yes! I was bitten by a dog that was nothing like a pit. It was a small Chihuahua who bit my finger while I was checking the license around its neck. I was also bitten on the buttocks by a Pomeranian while I was walking out of a front gate. But I was never bitten by a pit.
BB: What was the scariest encounter you've had with a pit bull? Saddest?
"Mr. ASPCA": I was trying to remove an abused pit who wasn't sure whether I was trying to hurt him or save him and he was getting very aggressive, until he realized I was trying to save him. The saddest would have to be an encounter with one dog who was beaten and abused because he wasn't aggressive enough to fight and we were lucky enough to get him out in time and save him.
BB: How many pits have you owned in your lifetime?
"Mr. ASPCA": 6! I loved each and everyone of them.
BB: Have you ever had any bad experiences with any pit bulls that you've owned?
"Mr. ASPCA": No! They were so loyal to me, no one could have even believed.
BB: What was your most rewarding experience while working for the ASPCA?
"Mr. ASPCA": Rescuing pit bulls from those owners who abused, starved and beat them. Those had to be the best moments ever. Knowing that not only did I save a life, but I was also able to find them loving homes where they would soon progress onto being those loyal dogs I know they could be had to be the greatest reward ever.
BB: What should most people know about this breed that they don't?
"Mr. ASPCA": They are very sweet animals if they are not wrongly treated and abused, just as in any other animal. I wish people knew that they are far from vicious and the name they have received is due to hearsay and people who tend to be narrow minded.
BB: What is the biggest stereotype about pit bulls that you want to clarify?
"Mr. ASPCA": That they are killers and they attack children and any other negative or absurd stories you hear. They're not true! These dogs are always provoked and made out to look like the bad guys.
BB: Have you ever responded to any other dog fighting rings, aside from pit bulls?
"Mr. ASPCA": Sad to say, but no!
BB: What was their legal status when you worked for the ASPCA?
"Mr. ASPCA": They were legal, and I hope they stay this way. This breed is unfortunately very misunderstood and I find them no more aggressive than your "average" pup.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Never Truer Spoken Words, Said by Those Who Know Facts Behind The Stereotype!
"Leaving a child alone is not safe, regardless of the breed" said by Micaela Myers, spokesperson for Pit Bull Rescue in San Diego.
"The bottom line is that focusing on breed doesn't make communities safer." -Myers
" The Netherlands banned pit bulls 15 years ago, and bite rates were not reduced. England's bite rates have gone up since implementing The Dangerous Dog Attack, which focuses on pit bulls and select other breeds. A study on Prince George's County, Maryland, pit bull ban also showed that public safety was not improved as a result of the ban." -Myers
"IN my opinion, pit bulls are the least likely to be human aggressive. On the whole, you have to do a lot of work to make them aggressive to people." -Sue Frisch, Dessin Animal Shelter Manager
"Every negative incident involving a Pit Bull adds to the breeds reputation and jeopardizes our right to own these great dogs-Keep your Pit Bull out of trouble!" -PBRC.net (Pit Bull Rescue Central)
"Not every pit bull is a bad dog, not every lab is a good dog. You see some wonderful poodles walking down the sidewalk that will just eat your arm off if you stick your hand out." -Patsy Beeker, Program Director, Kitty City
There you have it, very few quotes of millions, from other people who know the TRUTH behind the stereotype. These words are spoken from people who work with pitbulls on a regular basis, people who own pits themselves, people who just want to help the breed and much much more. I can't stress it enough, don't judge a book by what you've heard, because the truth is, you don't know the truth!!
"The bottom line is that focusing on breed doesn't make communities safer." -Myers
" The Netherlands banned pit bulls 15 years ago, and bite rates were not reduced. England's bite rates have gone up since implementing The Dangerous Dog Attack, which focuses on pit bulls and select other breeds. A study on Prince George's County, Maryland, pit bull ban also showed that public safety was not improved as a result of the ban." -Myers
"IN my opinion, pit bulls are the least likely to be human aggressive. On the whole, you have to do a lot of work to make them aggressive to people." -Sue Frisch, Dessin Animal Shelter Manager
"Every negative incident involving a Pit Bull adds to the breeds reputation and jeopardizes our right to own these great dogs-Keep your Pit Bull out of trouble!" -PBRC.net (Pit Bull Rescue Central)
"Not every pit bull is a bad dog, not every lab is a good dog. You see some wonderful poodles walking down the sidewalk that will just eat your arm off if you stick your hand out." -Patsy Beeker, Program Director, Kitty City
There you have it, very few quotes of millions, from other people who know the TRUTH behind the stereotype. These words are spoken from people who work with pitbulls on a regular basis, people who own pits themselves, people who just want to help the breed and much much more. I can't stress it enough, don't judge a book by what you've heard, because the truth is, you don't know the truth!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Muzzles: Beneficial Or Detrimental? My Product Review That Will Forever Be Held Controversial

This muzzle is a close comparison of what Hanibal Lecter wears in all of his movies. Our pups should be confined to this when being outside? I think not!! These dogs are THOUGHT to be vicious when seen in streets because of all the negativity spread about them, but little do people know, they're not, YOU are vicious, YOU are cruel and YOU are hurting these dogs, more than helping them by making them wear this monstrosity of a thing.
Wearing these muzzles and restricting these dogs on a regular basis is harming them more than anything. When a dog wears this and finally has it taken off after so many hours, or even minutes, they are more inclined to "attack" or act out because they have been restrained for so long and for no reason. If you put this muzzle on a Yorkie or the world's smallest dog, the same reaction would happen once it's taken off. The size, breed or behavior of a dog has nothing to do with whether or not they should wear a muzzle, or what would happen once it's taken off.

When I "Google" muzzle, why is it that a majority of the pictures that come up are of pitbulls? Let me answer that question for you, it's because EVERYONE thinks pitbulls are the only breed that should have to wear this face mask. I'm actually very surprised that this dog can even breath. Let me also just clear the air, this picture is not of my dog, nor of a dog I know, I found it while "Googling" to find out more information than that of my knowledge and of my opinion.
Muzzles in my opinion, are hurting our pups. Train them from puppyhood to be obedient dogs and this muzzle thing will go out of business. Do people know that muzzles cause your dog to over heat and can even be fatal? Stop looking at the here and now, start young, help your pups and there will be no need to stop their breathing. Muzzles are usually put on dogs because their owners have never taken the initiative to train them correctly in the first place. Look at the person holding the leash with an evil eye, not our four legged friends, they didn't ask for it!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Save a Pit, Save a Life-- Have A Heart!!

Let's talk about how much our friendly pitbull pets need homes just as much as the "average" dog. People are so quick to go and purchase a dog for an astronomical amount of money, before going to an animal shelter and rescuing a pitbull. What most people fail to realize, is that regardless if a pit was placed for adoption and now resides in an animal shelter due to fighting or whatever the reason maybe, we have to remember--IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT!!! They did not ask to run on treadmills everyday or to fight till their bloody and dieing, but the owners who did this to them and left them with no other option or place to reside. This is where we come in. Wouldn't you rather renew a life that was once harmed and almost ended, rather than always spending over $1,200 at times for a puppy? Puppies are always fun, but think of it as having your own children and adopting another from a needy place. The joy is much more rewarding knowing that you saved a life. These pits don't have much of a choice from here, it's save them in a certain amount of time, or have them put down.
There are many shelters which house only pitbulls in hopes of people realizing that these are probably one of the greatest breeds, amongst many that are out there. There are also "meet up" groups online where you can join to talk about the pit you have adopted and where you have found him/her. We really need to think about what we do before we do it, as in anything. Why on earth should a pitbull die because of the stupidity of someone else's actions? I bet if they could pick up the phone and call 911 because of what was being done to them, they would; but they can't. So let's help rejuvenate this breed, bring them back, save them and show people that they aren't what they are stereotyped to be. My pit is by far one of my greatest joys, and now everyone should go out, follow the links and adopt one to make your home a happy one.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Are Pits Really the Only Fighting Breed? I Think NOT!

Hey everyone, welcome back from Easter, Passover or whatever it is you and your pit pups celebrate. Hope it was a nice, safe one! This week, I want to jump right into something that was brought to my attention, and ignorantly disputed: dog fighting. Many people have this huge misunderstanding and stereotyped idea that pitbulls are the only breed that participate in dog fighting scandals, which by the way, I think is by far the worst thing anyone could ever do to a dog, let alone any animal every and whoever does, should all receive life in prison, unlike Michael Vick, but we won't get on that right now, that's a whole different blog post. So, getting back to these pits being thought of to be the only breed involved in dog fighting, 100% untrue. So, for those of you who thought so, think again. There are a list of at least 20 different dogs who were put to fight way before pitbulls became so predominant.
Although dogfighting was banned from all states in 1976, it still goes on until this present day, and NO, it's not only or all pitbulls that fight. Many people are also known for fighting Bull Mastiffs. But why is it that only pitbulls have been recognized as a negative, dangerous and fatal breed of dogs? Because people fail to see the truth and even something such as a dog breed can be stereotyped and become part of society which everyone looks down upon without knowing facts. NO dog breed should have to even know of having to fight forcefully and being killed, but if this is what's going to happen, we should look at all the participants and realize that it isn't the dogs who want to do this, regardless of what breed it may be, it is the owners and we need to remove them before we are so quick to want to remove these dogs who do have potential to be the most loving, loyal and understanding pets.
Although dogfighting was banned from all states in 1976, it still goes on until this present day, and NO, it's not only or all pitbulls that fight. Many people are also known for fighting Bull Mastiffs. But why is it that only pitbulls have been recognized as a negative, dangerous and fatal breed of dogs? Because people fail to see the truth and even something such as a dog breed can be stereotyped and become part of society which everyone looks down upon without knowing facts. NO dog breed should have to even know of having to fight forcefully and being killed, but if this is what's going to happen, we should look at all the participants and realize that it isn't the dogs who want to do this, regardless of what breed it may be, it is the owners and we need to remove them before we are so quick to want to remove these dogs who do have potential to be the most loving, loyal and understanding pets.
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