This muzzle is a close comparison of what Hanibal Lecter wears in all of his movies. Our pups should be confined to this when being outside? I think not!! These dogs are THOUGHT to be vicious when seen in streets because of all the negativity spread about them, but little do people know, they're not, YOU are vicious, YOU are cruel and YOU are hurting these dogs, more than helping them by making them wear this monstrosity of a thing.
Wearing these muzzles and restricting these dogs on a regular basis is harming them more than anything. When a dog wears this and finally has it taken off after so many hours, or even minutes, they are more inclined to "attack" or act out because they have been restrained for so long and for no reason. If you put this muzzle on a Yorkie or the world's smallest dog, the same reaction would happen once it's taken off. The size, breed or behavior of a dog has nothing to do with whether or not they should wear a muzzle, or what would happen once it's taken off.

When I "Google" muzzle, why is it that a majority of the pictures that come up are of pitbulls? Let me answer that question for you, it's because EVERYONE thinks pitbulls are the only breed that should have to wear this face mask. I'm actually very surprised that this dog can even breath. Let me also just clear the air, this picture is not of my dog, nor of a dog I know, I found it while "Googling" to find out more information than that of my knowledge and of my opinion.
Muzzles in my opinion, are hurting our pups. Train them from puppyhood to be obedient dogs and this muzzle thing will go out of business. Do people know that muzzles cause your dog to over heat and can even be fatal? Stop looking at the here and now, start young, help your pups and there will be no need to stop their breathing. Muzzles are usually put on dogs because their owners have never taken the initiative to train them correctly in the first place. Look at the person holding the leash with an evil eye, not our four legged friends, they didn't ask for it!
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