Hey everyone, welcome back from Easter, Passover or whatever it is you and your pit pups celebrate. Hope it was a nice, safe one! This week, I want to jump right into something that was brought to my attention, and ignorantly disputed: dog fighting. Many people have this huge misunderstanding and stereotyped idea that pitbulls are the only breed that participate in dog fighting scandals, which by the way, I think is by far the worst thing anyone could ever do to a dog, let alone any animal every and whoever does, should all receive life in prison, unlike Michael Vick, but we won't get on that right now, that's a whole different blog post. So, getting back to these pits being thought of to be the only breed involved in dog fighting, 100% untrue. So, for those of you who thought so, think again. There are a list of at least 20 different dogs who were put to fight way before pitbulls became so predominant.
Although dogfighting was banned from all states in 1976, it still goes on until this present day, and NO, it's not only or all pitbulls that fight. Many people are also known for fighting Bull Mastiffs. But why is it that only pitbulls have been recognized as a negative, dangerous and fatal breed of dogs? Because people fail to see the truth and even something such as a dog breed can be stereotyped and become part of society which everyone looks down upon without knowing facts. NO dog breed should have to even know of having to fight forcefully and being killed, but if this is what's going to happen, we should look at all the participants and realize that it isn't the dogs who want to do this, regardless of what breed it may be, it is the owners and we need to remove them before we are so quick to want to remove these dogs who do have potential to be the most loving, loyal and understanding pets.
Although dogfighting was banned from all states in 1976, it still goes on until this present day, and NO, it's not only or all pitbulls that fight. Many people are also known for fighting Bull Mastiffs. But why is it that only pitbulls have been recognized as a negative, dangerous and fatal breed of dogs? Because people fail to see the truth and even something such as a dog breed can be stereotyped and become part of society which everyone looks down upon without knowing facts. NO dog breed should have to even know of having to fight forcefully and being killed, but if this is what's going to happen, we should look at all the participants and realize that it isn't the dogs who want to do this, regardless of what breed it may be, it is the owners and we need to remove them before we are so quick to want to remove these dogs who do have potential to be the most loving, loyal and understanding pets.
Hi Becci,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you that pits are not the only dog with a fighting nature. My girlfriend and I brought her pit mix to the dog park the other day and he was bullied by a boxer who was much smaller than him. The boxer kept fighting him. Stop punishing pits!
I agree with your stance on dog fighting here. I wonder if it has to do with animal cruelty, particularly dogs, portrayed in movies that give people these ideas. This issue will always bring me back to that scene in the movie Fresh (1994) where the main character hangs his dog...
ReplyDeleteDog fighting has a stigma attached to it that only "big" and "scary" dogs are the ones people use. Pits fall into this sterotype causing them to have this sad stigma attached to them.